Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's just FLAG football

That's what I thought when I agreed to let Tyson play. Rick and I thought it would be a great opportunity for him to try something new and learn the rules of football. When I arrived at the first game I was able to attend (after having Paige), this is what I arrived to see.
He was the snapper and I guess his teammate punted the ball right into his eye as he was looking to the side.
This is a picture the night it happened, it actually got a lot worse a few days later. He looked like he had hot pink eyeliner with purple eyeshadow. The week prior he came home from practice with a fat lip. School pictures were the next morning. Good thing I took them into Penney's in August. I told him he should be a boxer for Halloween.
I don't know that he'll play again next year, but he's had a good time.