Monday, September 1, 2008

Tyson's dream come true

Tyson actually got his first pet. He's only been begging daily since he was about 4 or 5. Recently he started into hypotheticals like "Mom, if it was a law to have a pet, what kind of pet would you have?" It was definately unplanned, but they were selling these cute little turtles at the flea market in Packwood. It's only about 2" and fits in a little tiny cage and eats one minature shrimp a day. Tyson has been taking care of it, cleaning out it's water every other day. It's a Red Eared Slider turtle that hopefully won't get too much bigger or very stinky because everyone knows how I am about pets. Actually I always had a thing for turtles and this one is tiny (for now!). Congratulations Tyson, now you have to stop asking for a dog!